Looking at food as sources of our nutrition.

By Joan D’Arc There are no reported cases on people with excess iron in their bodies, who acquired it from excessive eating of whole foods, such as for example spinach/ beet. But there are plenty of cases of iron toxicity from artificial iron ingestion (eg cereals/ milk / bread/ etc), fortified with iron from laboratories…

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Tissue Salts for Dummies

 By Joan D’Arc Tissue Salt therapy is more than just treatment of symptom based problems, as it also has the ability to influence tha acid- base balance, the internal environment, and influence on long term, our human nature and feelings, by removing physical and psychological blockages.  Tissue Salt therapy is based upon the inorganic substances…

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What have I learnt in this last year of the Pandemic?

By Joan D Árc There are currently various good Covid protocol in circulation, and I don’t feel qualified to critique it at all, because my understanding is that 1 year ago the world knew significantly nothing about this virus, but in the meanwhile we have learned a lot of things about it. We know that…

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Destroy parasites in your body

By Dr Maria Theologides Parasites love sugar and everything that turns into sugar. So the best way to starve the parasites is through using healthy fasting and cleansing strategies while eliminating as much sugar and grains as possible from the diet. Several herbs and foods act as very strong anti-parasitic agents. Extra virgin coconut oil is loaded…

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Dummies – expensive pacifiers.

By Dr Maria Theologides Some mothers claim that nobody told them. Others say they never saw the warnings on the box and others still defend the use of pacifiers because their mothers and grandmothers recommended it – allowing for greater peace and quiet. We learn by conditioning and  it starts very early. The first pressure…

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