The Vision Of Sacred Space

about us 7

Over the past 30 years I have watched as first my grandmother and then her 6 sisters (ranging from 30 to 60 years old) were diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. As a family we tried to help them navigate the medical system from diagnosis to losing them one at a time, we experienced first-hand the disconnect between what patients need and what the healthcare system in their fragmented sectors provided.

I helplessly stood by, stunned by barbaric breast removals and endless hours spent in chemo and radio therapy, I watched each strong woman wilt into a broken soul – a wasted loss of hope and life.

I knew that out there were amazing doctors who did care, who shared my desire to create a humane journey for our patients, who yearned to make a difference in their patients’ lives – but they were lost on sole paths, navigating through protocols and red tape.


Sacred Space was created to offer a platform, where people across the world whether they are feeling isolated, alone, lost or just in need of a quiet space, can find that place where they can feel heard, where they can feel safe to take a breather and just BE. A place where they can remember their self-worth and the connectedness between our souls, regardless of where we are.

My vision is, together with my beautiful team, to share years of acquired knowledge, experience and intuitive wisdom, to help others find their way, achieve their health goals and live the dreams that they keep locked away.

I truly believe that for most of us, this isn’t just a profession that we chose – but rather a calling that drew us from childhood towards those that needed healing. This isn’t a job with designated hours, but an integral part of our very being, entrenched with a deep sense of compassion and empathy that embodies all that we do.

about us 8

The Vision Of Sacred Space

about us 7

Over the past 30 years I have watched as first my grandmother and then her 6 sisters (ranging from 30 to 60 years old) were diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. As a family we tried to help them navigate the medical system from diagnosis to losing them one at a time, we experienced first-hand the disconnect between what patients need and what the healthcare system in their fragmented sectors provided.

I helplessly stood by, stunned by barbaric breast removals and endless hours spent in chemo and radio therapy, I watched each strong woman wilt into a broken soul – a wasted loss of hope and life.

I knew that out there were amazing doctors who did care, who shared my desire to create a humane journey for our patients, who yearned to make a difference in their patients’ lives – but they were lost on sole paths, navigating through protocols and red tape.

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about us 10

I truly believe that for most of us, this isn’t just a profession that we chose – but rather a calling that drew us from childhood towards those that needed healing. This isn’t a job with designated hours, but an integral part of our very being, entrenched with a deep sense of compassion and empathy that embodies all that we do.

Sacred Space was created to offer a platform, where people across the world whether they are feeling isolated,

I truly believe that for most of us, this isn’t just a profession that we chose – but rather a calling that drew us from childhood towards those that needed healing. This isn’t a job with designated hours, but an integral part of our very being, entrenched with a deep sense of compassion and empathy that embodies all that we do.

Sacred Space was created to offer a platform, where people across the world whether they are feeling isolated, alone, lost or just in need of a quiet space, can find that place where they can feel heard, where they can feel safe to take a breather and just BE. A place where they can remember their self-worth and the connectedness between our souls, regardless of where we are.

My vision is, together with my beautiful team, to share years of acquired knowledge, experience and intuitive wisdom, to help others find their way, achieve their health goals and live the dreams that they keep locked away.

alone, lost or just in need of a quiet space, can find that place where they can feel heard, where they can feel safe to take a breather and just BE. A place where they can remember their self-worth and the connectedness between our souls, regardless of where we are.

My vision is, together with my beautiful team, to share years of acquired knowledge, experience and intuitive wisdom, to help others find their way, achieve their health goals and live the dreams that they keep locked away.

about us 8

The Founder Of Sacred Space

Dr Maria Theologides

Paediatric Specialist, Biological Dentist & Integrative and Functional Medicine Practitioner

Team 2 Maria

The Mission Of Sacred Space

about us 1

We all have a story about our life and our health – where we have been, where we are, and where we think we are going. We may have told the story to ourselves a thousand times.

But what if where you are right now or what challenges you have faced in the past can be overcome and used to rewrite your future to mimic your dreams? What if your genes are only 5% of your health, your weight or your mental state can be, but rather that your lifestyle choices, your thoughts, your beliefs, your habits, in fact, shape your reality.

We Are Here To Share With You How To:

Make good lifestyle choices that will help you to attain great health and longevity

Incorporate exercise into your life naturally and to suite your busy schedule

Prepare meals that are quick and easy but packed with nutrition

Breathe consciously to not only calm your mind and spirit but to improve digestion, eliminate anxiety and age slower

Maximize the benefits of nutritional supplements and balance hormones naturally

Rewire your brain to create lasting habits and create the body and life you yearn for

The functional medicine approach of our team ensures that both within our workshops and within our one-on-one sessions, any condition/disease state/state of being is comprehensively tackled to establish root cause in all spheres of mind, body and spirit.

It is not one thing that has caused disease or discontent, so a one approach fits all cannot be used to correct the condition. We recognize the unique circumstances, environments, experiences, and social impacts that affect individuals. This recognition helps us view each individual as a complex, multidimensional person who can make decisions for him or herself and whose engagement is vital in the journey of growth, transformation and attainment of any desired goal.

"And as long as you haven't experienced this: To Die And So To Grow, You are only a troubled guest on the dark earth."

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

about us 2

The Mission Of Sacred Space

about us 1

We all have a story about our life and our health – where we have been, where we are, and where we think we are going. We may have told the story to ourselves a thousand times.

But what if where you are right now or what challenges you have faced in the past can be overcome and used to rewrite your future to mimic your dreams? What if your genes are only 5% of your health, your weight or your mental state can be, but rather that your lifestyle choices, your thoughts, your beliefs, your habits, in fact, shape your reality.

We Are Here To Share With You How To:

Make good lifestyle choices that will help you to attain great health and longevity

Incorporate exercise into your life naturally and to suite your busy schedule

Prepare meals that are quick and easy but packed with nutrition

Breathe consciously to not only calm your mind and spirit but to improve digestion, eliminate anxiety and age slower

Maximize the benefits of nutritional supplements and balance hormones naturally

Rewire your brain to create lasting habits and create the body and life you yearn for

The functional medicine approach of our team ensures that both within our workshops and within our one-on-one sessions, any condition/disease state/state of being is comprehensively tackled to establish root cause in all spheres of mind, body and spirit.

It is not one thing that has caused disease or discontent, so a one approach fits all cannot be used to correct the condition. We recognize the unique circumstances, environments, experiences, and social impacts that affect individuals.

about us 2
About us 3

This recognition helps us view each individual as a complex, multidimensional person who can make decisions for him or herself and whose engagement is vital in the journey of growth, transformation and attainment of any desired goal.

"And as long as you haven't experienced this: To Die And So To Grow, You are only a troubled guest on the dark earth."

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

My Sacred Space Team

Dhivia Naidoo

Visionary Entrepreneur, Compounding Pharmacist & Integrative Medicine Practitioner

Dhivia Naidoo

Dr Rene Jeannes

Homeopath & Functional Medicine Practitioner

Team 3 Rene

Crystal Claire

Holistic Therapist & Medical Intuitive

Team 4 Claire

Raphaella Joannou

Social Media & Marketing

Team 5 Raphaella

Tessa Kanaris

Personal Fitness Trainer

Health and Wellness Coach
Personal Fitness Trainer
about us 4

"Set yourself up for success by preparing a sacred space to set the tone for your practice, and it's helpful to establish some level of consistency.

For some, that means taking time during their commute to meditate and journal.For others, that means sitting on the back porch early in the morning or meditating for a few minutes on the couch.

Still others will have a sacred corner with an altar, including an image of Christ, a few candles, and a place to store your journal."

- Benjamin W. Decker

about us 4

"Set yourself up for success by preparing a sacred space to set the tone for your practice, and it's helpful to establish some level of consistency.

For some, that means taking time during their commute to meditate and journal.For others, that means sitting on the back porch early in the morning or meditating for a few minutes on the couch.

Still others will have a sacred corner with an altar, including an image of Christ, a few candles, and a place to store your journal."

- Benjamin W. Decker

The Sacred Team is guided by The Hippocratic Oath

  • I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those dentists and physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
  • I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
  • I will remember that there is art to dentistry and medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife, the dentist’s drill or the chemists drugs.
  • I will not be ashamed to say “I know not”, nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient’s recovery.
  • I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
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about us 13
  • I will remember that I do not treat a cavity, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
  • I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
  • I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
  • I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
  • If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.

Therapies We Offer

Our Integrated approach is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based methodology that empowers patients to take responsibility for their role in their life and healing journey. Together we work to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of your genetic, biochemical, physical, mental, emotional and lifestyle factors. It leverages that information to create personalized treatment plans that allow for success in achieving outcomes and goals.

By addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, by using a team approach to tackle all aspects causing fragmentation of the body, mind and spirit, we establish long lasting changes that result in true transformation and healing.

about us 4

Therapies We Offer

Our Integrated approach is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based methodology that empowers patients to take responsibility for their role in their life and healing journey. Together we work to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of your genetic, biochemical, physical, mental, emotional and lifestyle factors. It leverages that information to create personalized treatment plans that allow for success in achieving outcomes and goals.

about us 4
about us 6

By addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, by using a team approach to tackle all aspects causing fragmentation of the body, mind and spirit, we establish long lasting changes that result in true transformation and healing.


“In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.”

– Aaron Rose

Functional Medicine

FM seeks to identify & address the root causes of disease, it treats the whole system, ...
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Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself, using ...
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Energy Healing

EH is a holistic practice that activates the body's energy systems to remove mental, physical & ...
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Kinesiology uses gentle muscle-monitoring to access the subconscious mind and gain information to assist healing. Using ...
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Genetic Testing

GT establishes an in-depth understanding of your genetic predispositions – where we need to focus our ...
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Your health is a mirror of your beliefs, illness is an invitation to change your relationship ...
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Treating EMF Sensitivity

Interactions between EMF exposure and health problems are raising new challenges in maintaining health. Chronic diseases ...
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Biological Dentistry

A holistic approach to dentistry, or integrative dentistry, sees the mouth as an integrated part of ...
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"When I first met with Dr Maria in February 2015, I was at a complete loss as to why I had been feeling so desperately unhappy and unfulfilled for an extended period of time, despite “having it all” on the surface. My 12 month journey with Dr Maria started with gaining a thorough understanding of the various influences, past and present, that shaped me. The understanding process continued throughout and many valuable lessons were learnt – the connection between physical (diet, exercise) and mental health; the self-pity spiral; being grateful; the importance of structure in day to day life; developing self-worth; understanding others (beliefs and reflection) – all of which had a strong influence in changing my attitude and approach to life and myself. Throughout I felt a strong sense of comfort with Maria’s approach – honest and warm; insightful and pragmatic; understanding and encouraging. I felt a genuine sense of care, interest and support. Maria was very smart in the way she enabled me to answer my own tough questions. I looked forward to my weekly interaction with her which had just the right balance of seriousness and good humour. Maria is a very special individual – intelligent, pragmatic, warm and deeply caring – who had a profound and most beneficial impact on my life. Today I have a sense of purpose and a strong understanding of myself which has enabled me to regain happiness. I remain eternally grateful and feel privileged for having been afforded the opportunity to interact with Dr Maria and the valuable lessons learnt on my journey with her will be with me forever."

Fiona o'Keane – Cloete

"I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid as a teenager. For 30 years I've struggled with exhaustion, weight gain, depression, and many other thyroid related and hormone problems.
Over the years I've been to numerous GPS and  medical specialists but apart from giving me ever increasing doses of thyroxin none of them could help me. A year ago I went to Dr Jeannes, she recommended a DNA test to pinpoint exactly what is wrong with my thyroid. She managed to get to the root cause of the problem. We eliminated foods that trigger thyroid issues from my diet, and Dr Jeannes prescribed supplements, to regulate thyroid functions and balance hormones.
This has changed my life. I am healthier than I have been in decades and full of energy. For the first time in my life I have actually lost weight without a massive struggle. (I've lost 16 kilograms!)
I wish I had known what Dr. Jeannes has thaught me as a teenager, it would have saved my 30 years of exhaustion and dieting."

Janet and family

"I first met Crystal Claire 32 years ago. I desperately wanted children but was suffering from Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome, a condition untreatable by conventional medicine, and had fruitlessly and stressfully undergone 10 years of fertility treatment. A nursing friend insisted that I see her for resolution of my problem, through reflexology at Crystal Claire's hands. I was sceptical, to say the least, but reluctantly agreed. After 6 months of bi-weekly sessions with her, we were firm friends and I could sense changes within my body. At a routine examination, my Gynaecologist noted with some perplexity that the cysts on my ovaries had disappeared! Shortly thereafter Crystal Claire confidently asserted that I was either pregnant or soon would be.........I was a little upset as I thought she should know how important it was to me, and her statement seemed reckless. But she was right, I was pregnant and now have 3 wonderful children, purely thanks to her.

I say this with certainty, as she had cured a condition untreatable by conventional medicine and, given my complete lack of faith in reflexology at the time, it cannot be ascribed to some form of mind over matter. She has subsequently cured my son's acute asthma after only 3 month's treatment, and caused a friend who had unsuccessfully tried for a second child for 9 years to speedily become pregnant."


"My name is Nicky and I am a mother of four children and i live in Cape Town. I few years ago i was diagnosed with a chronic disease for which I received two cycles of chemo. I desperately needed assistance in dealing with the shock of it and to learn how to continue with my life as I felt like I was running around without direction and sinking into a deep pit of fear and depression. Fortunately for me I was introduced to Dr Maria Theologides who happens to be trained in Functional Medicine as well as a HYL (Heal Your Life) therapist in Camps Bay. Soon after I started seeing her, I learnt to trust her with all my fears. With gentle guidance and lots of patience and encouragement by the good doctor I have managed to learn how to keep my mind-set stable and the transformation has given me a new lease on life. I have learnt to listen to my body's messages by changing my way of thinking and speaking. Through Kinesiology sessions with dr Maria I have dealt with fear, anger and suppressed resentment, criticism and guilt and thereby have set myself free from all my childhood torments. Dr Maria has thought me to have faith in life, to view it through eyes of gratitude and reverence, and slowly to love myself by not criticising myself and others. By expanding my awareness instead of contracting it, I changed from being a victim to using situations as opportunities to grow as a person. These are but a few things I have learnt during my sessions with Dr Maria. I now see the beauty of the world around me and I appreciate the little things in life. My senses are more in tune with everything."

Dr. Laura Chella


"Dr Rene is both a kind and compassionate practitioner who is thorough in her approach to her patients. She combines functional and clinical symptomatology and assessment with a holistic view and treatment protocols."


"Before I came to see Dr Maria I had been to countless conventional doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors and therapists. I was diagnosed with depression, generalised anxiety, social anxiety, ADD, bipolar disorder and mild psychosis. I have been on more antidepressants than I can remember, as well as anti-psychotics, anxiolytic drugs and sleeping pills. Needless to say, these drugs weren’t very effective in treating me. I had succumbed to addiction in various forms in my own efforts to self-medicate, and some of these prescription drugs only served to fuel my addiction. By the time I arrived at Dr Maria’s rooms I was a shadow of my former self. I had put on a lot of weight from a combination of unhealthy eating habits and the medications I was taking. I had very little personality and drive, and my lust for life was practically gone. I was however, desperate to change. Dr Maria immediately set about to implement change starting with my diet, and requested that I cut out gluten, caffeine and sugar. With her help I stopped taking all medications and along with the change in my diet I lost 12kg in a matter of weeks. This was only the beginning of my journey. Through my sessions with Dr Maria she helped me closely examine my life and face all the experiences that had brought me to where I was and realise where changes needed to be made. Dr Maria was there to guide me every step of the way, and responded in detail to every question and concern I had, many times via text messages late at night. The process was at times uncomfortable and difficult but I have yet to experience the kind of devotion and support from any other type of doctor or therapist as I received from Dr Maria. After only a few months with Dr Maria I was a different person. I could start to see the life I wanted for myself, forming right in front of my eyes. I discovered a renewed passion for living, along with inspiration to explore my talents in areas of personal interest. I am now physically active, exercising regularly, and loving every minute of it. I am following my dreams and determined to achieve success in my life. I am free of all medication and remain gluten, dairy and caffeine free. I have come to know who I am after a long period of darkness in my life. Most importantly I am free of addiction. In my initial consultation with Dr Maria she told me how others had experienced wonderful transformations after committing to placing themselves under her care and guidance. I was at first sceptical due to my previous experiences with conventional health care. I can now say with certainty that the transformation I have undergone is nothing short of miraculous. I will always have immense gratitude in my heart for the incredible work of service that Dr Maria provided in selfless dedication to making me whole again."

Janet and Family

"Crystal Claire has the most remarkable healing powers, and I have complete faith in her methods, however whacky they may seem to those of us who place all our belief and confidence in conventional "western" medicine.

She has my undying gratitude, and I truly value the warm friendship we have developed over many decades.

She is the most caring, giving person I know, with an unparalleled zest for life in all its aspects, and a profoundly positive influence on the lives of all who are fortunate enough to encounter her. All our love"

Janine Coetzee

"Meeting Dr Rene has been such a positive experience for which I am so grateful. I had been suffering from bouts of vertigo and nothing was helping. Rene went into such detail during our first session. She is so thorough, kind and helpful. Her suggestion for a change of diet, increased exercise and vitamins all helped to change my lifestyle and I now feel so fit and healthy with an improved mindset, weight loss and awareness of how to live better, not to mention for the first time in 10yrs better results with my menopause flushes. I cannot recommend Rene highly enough and look forward to a continued journey of good health and wellness with her."


"I met Dr Maria 10 years ago when my oldest sons first tooth appeared. What immediately struck me about her was her empathy and sensitivity to each of us – as individuals. Since then we have been on an incredible journey together as a family being her patients, and as myself seeing her on a one-on-one basis for “Heal Your Life” and Kinesiology sessions. Maria has been an angel in our lives… She has walked with all of us, but especially with myself, hand in hand, guiding the way. Helping me to find my own truth. I can highly recommend her for all the roles she has taken on in this life: Paediatric Specialist, Heal Your Life Coach, Functional Medicine and Nutrition Coach, Touch for Health Practitioner, friend…Thank you for being in our lives Maria!"


"Found this amazing practitioner: Dr Maria that was referred to me by Dr. Adri v.d. Walt, who had met her but not familiar with her work. Maria works with kids, but more specifically challenged children and she is trained in how to handle and work with them understanding their psycology and behaviour. I took Kyle to see her, a little nervous as he is normally very anxious and unco-operative in new surroundings. Kyle left with a huge smile and a toy as a gift and her gloves which she filled with air and drew a face on.  Kyle is now looking forward to going back! I was amazed at how well she handled him and would recommend her for anyone with special needs children.  No other practitioner would have this amount of patience and calmness. So rare to find a specialist who is exceptionally skilled in managing the behaviour of autistic children and accommodates their restraints and inhibitions."


"It’s been enlightening and a pleasure to have had Dr Rene assess, treat and support my daughter (and myself) since 2018.  She is highly knowledgeable, and her informed methods of practise have resulted in the best results for us both.  Her approach is detailed, wholistic, progressive and caring."

Maria Coyne

"Crystal Claire, is a rare gem and most special find. She has an extraordinary gift of healing with pure authenticity of beingness. Her open heart, intuition and finely tuned skills are a wonderful recipe for a positive outcome no matter what the condition, or issue one may be feeling in life. She combines old-fashioned professionalism with world class skill and sensitivity to create genuine results. Every time I walk out of her healing room, I feel refreshed, blissful and tranquil. Apart from being such a profound healer, she’s also one of the most supportive people I have seen! In her sessions there is no airy-fairy mucking around, just good listening and deep understanding. She is somehow able to read a problem accurately and work energetically to make it different. Most energy workers create a temporary shift. She has the ability to address problems on a level that actually changes them. Whether by serendipity or providence, meeting Crystal Claire has been a most amazing Blessing in my life For me, it’s like a ‘portal of grace’ is opened each time I have a session, and in that space a precious gift of healing is passed to me – a gift I barely understand but most definitely cherish. She is an extraordinary individual, being the ever consummate professional and an unassailable confidant, bringing not only beautiful intuition and deep compassion to her sessions but also true equanimity, authentic presence and joyful warmth to the healing process. Unlike no other practitioner I’ve met, and believe me I’ve met many, she is able to hold a space of such unconditional acceptance and intrinsic wholeness such that healing occurs at the deepest of levels for her clients."

Jordyn Pollock

Pilates Instructor

"After having gone to therapists since I was a child, Crystal Claire has been the only person to help me fully heal and move on from past scars and release things I have been carrying for years. Working with her has also helped my body’s hormones balance out and she has helped me massively reduce anxiety that the hormones had triggered in my system. I feel like I can finally grow and continue forward with nothing holding me back - thanks to the healing work Crystal Claire has done for me. I love my sessions with her and continue to recommend her to everyone I know!”


"The experience of being diagnosed with cancer followed with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and hormone therapy left me emotionally and physically exhausted. Dr Maria extended a lifeline to me to put the pieces of my life back together. She has helped me focus on the most important things with practical tools to overcome my issues. What I found exceptionally profound was exploring my emotional landscape of fear, anger and sadness with Dr Maria as my safety net. Her nurturing and humorous approach has encouraged me to find peace in the moment and make my healing and health a priority.”


"Back to around 1985, I was blessed to meet Crystal Claire who  had such an attractive energy around her, she stood out among the crowd. Over the years I have learned an enormous amount from Crystal Claire, both in an official capacity as her student and through osmosis - more than she is aware of or would take credit for. Her sincerity and generosity of spirit make her an exceptional human being. Thank you."


"I'm a firm believer that the universe gives you what you need and not what you want. It was during a stage of need that I started attending sessions with Dr Maria. My life was at a cross roads and I was in a place of searching. Maria guided me through this time with her nurturing and when required forceful guidance. At every part of my journey I felt I was in safe hands and in a space where I could share without criticism or judgment. I was given the tools to re structure my life and answer those deep meaningful questions that were required in my healing process. I can strongly recommend Maria to anybody who needs to find answers and guidance in this changing world. Her methods combine a spiritual element with first world psychological techniques. I stopped attending my sessions once I had been given the tools to change my life. I continue to use these in my life, my time with Maria set me on my path of growth and healing I know I am a better person having crossed paths with Maria."

Michael Witkin

"Crystal Claire has helped me immeasurably. She is the most outstandingly accomplished healer. She is someone I feel incredibly fortunate to have met and to have been treated by. Since I've been seeing her, I have made huge personal progress in areas of pertaining to my spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional health. She has been a source of strength when I felt weak, unlocking some of the deep traumas that I had buried within me. In my view she has brought light and encouraged healing in all areas of my life. I am truly grateful to her for facilitating the turning of pages and new chapters in my journey, as I look back and acknowledge how far I have come I feel that this would not have been possible without her help. Crystal Claire has married many therapeutic practices together treating the whole patient with her multi-fold approach using her accumulated skills, disciplines, and experience with a kind and loving heart. Thank you for being there for me, and the good that you do for those around you and for all that you are."

Tarryn De Vries

"After losing my vision in my right eye from a stroke post pregnancy I just felt totally overwhelmed . I asked various Specialists looking after me if there was any hope of me regaining my vision but all said no . I was so fortunate when a friend referred me to Dr Jeannes . I have been working with Rene now since October 2020 doing a specialized treatment from Spain and I have gained a portion back of my vision already . It is still early in the treatment and my Optometrist is so excited with the results . I am so grateful for her caring and compassionate manner and for her incredible knowledge! When everyone else said it was impossible, we are proving them wrong."

Nelia A

"I know Crystal Claire for the last 15 years. During this time I was the privileged  witness of the many blessings she brought into my own, my kids and others’ lives. As a matter of fact , when I introduce her, or speak about her to my circle of friends- I call her ‘miracle’ woman. Crystal Claire is always surrounded by light , the light of positivity, the light of wisdom and the light of healing. Thank you for being a friend and a source of light."


"My journey has been a long one, and very frustrating at times but I needed to journal my story. My name is Angelo – I live in USA, and this journey has shown me the strength and determination that we all have in us if there is something that greatly affects us. When I was in the 3rd grade, I started noticing that I was developing breasts. I had mentioned this to my mother but at that stage they were not all that noticeable so she said as I grow up, they will come right. However, they never did. When I was in 5th grade, they were really starting to get noticeable. This was 2016. The right one was a little swollen but the left one was really a big problem. It was really thick, and it hung down 15 inches. I was really starting to feel self-conscious. To cover the issue, I started wearing a t-shirt, and a thick hoodie every single day no matter the weather. This condition was really getting to me emotionally because I felt that I was the only boy dealing with this and I kept asking “why me”? In late 2016 my mother took me to an endocrinologist. The doctor diagnosed me with a condition called Gynecomastia. This is swollen male breast tissue caused by a hormone imbalance. The male breast tissue swells due to reduced male hormones (testosterone) or increased female hormones (estrogen) as often happens when a preteen or teenage boy is going through the hormonal changes of puberty. The reason that I developed this condition was that I had higher levels of estrogen. Also, an important component is weight gain - I was at least 20 pounds overweight. The best treatment I was given at that stage was nothing could be done until I had completely gone through puberty. Then after that they would see what my estrogen levels are and whether or not to operate. The problem with an operation is that it can be dangerous and apart from that you will be left with the scars that will be permanent. I was going every 6 months to the doctor for more blood tests to see if there were any changes, but unfortunately there wasn’t any. After 2 years with this doctor, he left I was put onto another doctor. What surprised me is that according to the doctor 60% of boys and men in the world today suffer from Gynecomastia. It’s just that there is an embarrassment factor to this that nobody talks about it.

My self-esteem and confidence was at a low point. I did not see a solution to this issue. Then my Godmother spoke to a very good friend of hers, Dr Maria Theologides. A doctor that changed everything for me and to whom I will be forever grateful. To think that all the specialists in the US couldn’t do anything for me except medication or surgery but dr Maria, on another continent offered not only hope but a clear plan of the way forward. Dr. Maria sent me a strict eating plan and a list of vitamins that I needed to take every day. She offered meal ideas and every day I sent her what I had eaten and she responded with tweaks, advice and motivation. In the beginning it was difficult. But I kept thinking about the reason I was doing this, and it kept me motivated. After a few weeks I started losing weight. This was the most amazing feeling. Exercise was an important part of this process.

I learned that I needed to be responsible and accountable for my choices. Everyday I had to send her a list of what I had eaten that day and if there was something I was not supposed to include in my diet she would tell me. This definitely fast-tracked my success. I am so grateful for all the people in my life that were determined to help me be successful. Today I have to say I cannot believe the change. This journey has also taught me good clean dietary habits. What food is good and what is not. Thank you Dr Maria."

Jenny Ferrini

"Crystal Claire is the only person I know who lives in high frequency love all the time. She works on your feet and brings physical healing but more importantly she touches your soul in her unique way that brings peace and joy. I am addicted to the way I feel after a treatment with her. She is my friend, my healer, my mentor. I owe a large part of my spiritual growth to her teachings, especially in the way she leads by example. It is a true gift to receive a healing from her!"

Dr Gerhard Kotze

"I struggled with my health, especially after I had Covid. When I realised that the Amalgam in my teeth could be responsible for me not getting my health back, Dr Maria Theologides at Camps Bay Dental Studio was recommended to me by another patient of theirs. At first I was a bit reluctant to drive from Somerset West to Camps Bay, but am I glad I did! The reception was friendly, professional, and very supportive. Nothing was too much trouble, and I knew that I was at the right place. Dr Maria is an exceptional and highly skilled doctor. She definitely goes the extra mile, and I am extremely happy with the end result. I am very happy to say that my health improved, as well as my confidence and I will recommend this Dental Studio to any and everyone who needs help, support and the very best treatments possible. Save yourself time and effort and make this dental studio your first and only stop."


"My first interaction with Crystal Claire was at a workshop based on the book “This thing called YOU” by Ernest Holmes in 2015.  Since then we have attended a number of workshops together and I have come to know her as a deeply spiritual, caring soul who is passionate about contributing towards the healing of her fellow man and this planet.  She is extremely knowledgeable about her chosen healing modalities which she has been practicing for the past +- 35 years.  In 2020 I approached her for some energy healing and could feel the difference after each appointment – not only physically but also emotionally, mentally and metaphysically.  I have since gone back for another couple of appointments in 2021 and can honestly vouch for the compassionate and gentle manner in which she performs her treatments, leaving me feeling whole, complete and utterly peaceful.  Her kind and gentle demeanor makes me feel very comfortable and safe all through the appointment.  Claire is a lady of absolute integrity, she also understands the need for – and encourages holistic healing.  Based on my personal experiences, I have no hesitation to- and can honestly recommend her to anyone seeking energy healing. Spread your angel wings far and wide to all those who truly need and respect the work you do, thank you."

Dr Jakub

Sadzik Specialist Anaesthetist.

"I have worked with Dr Theologides from 2015 - 2021 providing anaesthesia services for dental procedures at Cape Town Mediclinic and at the Alchimia clinic in central Cape Town. During our time as colleagues she has proven to be a kind, compassionate and dedicated doctor placing wholistic patient care at the centre of her philosophy. She has an expanding interest in integrated medicine . She is very diligent and extremely hard working . It has always been a pleasure working with her and the rest of her team from the Camps Bay Dental Studio."

Heather Kearns

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

"Many years ago, my elderly mother suddenly took ill, complaining of not being able to breathe. X rays were taken of her chest and the doctors discovered a lump the size of an orange on one of her lungs. She was instructed to return for a check-up after three months. I had known Crystal Claire for many years at the time, so with my mother's consent, I took her to Crystal Claire for intense treatment. After three months, my mother went for her check-up and the lump had disappeared. Thank u for the miracle of life you gave my mother. She went on to enjoy another ten happy years after that."

about us 11

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,

love is knowing I am everything,

and between the two my life moves."

- Wayne W. Dyer

about us 11

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,

love is knowing I am everything,

and between the two my life moves."

- Wayne W. Dyer